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Valves and shut-off valves
Sensors, Relays, Transducers
Sound equipment
Wire insulation, chemical liquids
Cable products, products for installation
Measuring instruments
Lamps, LED strips
Switching, protective equipment
Contactors and spare parts
Electric connectors
Heating equipment
Fire alarm system
Starting and control equipment
Luminaires, spotlights, lights, indicators
Communications, surveillance, TV
Transformers and coils
Devices, installations, modules, units
Electronic components
Electric motors and mechanisms
Cells and Power Devices
Valves and shut-off valvesValves and shut-off valves
Hydraulic valves
Valves and solenoid valves
Equipment and accessories
Flame and oil mist sensors
Intermediate relays
Level sensors and relays
Pressure sensors and pressure switches
Proximity sensors
Sensors and time relays
Thermal relay
Sound equipmentLoudspeakers, roars, bells
Horn speaker
Wire insulation, chemical liquidsDuct tape, heat shrink tubing, cleaners
Wire insulation
Cable products, products for installationСables, clamps, lugs
Products for laying, fastening and connection
Ship cable
Measuring instrumentsPressure gauges, manovacuum gauges, pressure gauges
Pressure gauges, manovacuum gauges, pressure gauges
Spare parts, adapters
Thermometers and temperature gauges
Switching, protective equipmentCircuit breakers, switches and fuses
Cabin electrical installation products
Circuit breakers and switches
Connectors, connectors, adapters
Controllers, processors electronic
Contactors and spare partsContactors and spare parts for them
Spare parts for contactors
Lamps, LED stripsСветильник с лампой накаливанияSmall-size lamps, navigational
Fluorescent bulb
Gas discharge bulbs
Incandescent bulb
LED bulb
Electric connectorsPlug, socket, switch.
Junction box
Marine plug
Marine socket
Marine socket with switch
Marine switch
Shields, cabinets, enclosures
Heating equipmentWater heaters, air heaters, heaters, heating elements
Air heaters
Heaters, burners, heating elements
Fire alarm systemSmoke, heat, manual fire detectors
Fire detector bases
Manual fire detectors
Smoke detectors
Thermal fire detectors
Starting and control equipmentPush-button, starters
Control gear
Magnetic starters
Push button switches
Voltage correctors
Luminaires, spotlights, lights, indicatorsGlass, fixtures, spotlights
Explosion-proof luminaires, lanterns
Fluorescent lights
Halogen, metal halide spotlights
LED floodlights
LED lights
Light signals, indicators
Lights with incandescent bulb
Portable luminaires and lanterns
Rotary warning lights
Signal light
Spare parts for floodlights
Spotlights with incandescent bulb
Xenon spotlights
Communications, surveillance, TVTelephones, ship's headset.
Transformers and coilsVoltage transformers, current transformers, electromagnetic coils
High-voltage transformers
Transformers in enclosure
Transformers without housing
Devices, installations, modules, unitsБлоки управления, выпрямительные устройства, усилители
Control units
Electric motors and mechanismsMarine fans, electric motors, selsins and brake discs
AC electric motors
Brake disc
Electric brushes and brush holders
Electric motors special
Marine fans
Electronic componentsElectronic blocks, boards, capacitors, thyristors
Diodes, thyristors, stabilisers
Electronic boards
Logic elements and modules
Cells and power devicesBatteries, power devices and other products
Power cell
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The Tyco 711P smoke detector is a replacement for the Tyco 601P-M 516.600.201. The smoke detector is used to detect a potential fire by smoke and is used in automated fire alarm systems on ships.
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